Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Starting Your Own Home Based Business

Starting Your Own Home Based Business Starting Your Own Home Based Business
By Alvin Narsey
Starting a home based business is a common step for those looking to create more wealth or leave the daily grind of the rat race. Starting your own home based business requires a great deal of planning to ensure that you are on the correct path to achieving your goals. Many businessess fail without adequate planning, and indeed a home based business will do the same.
There are a few fundamental questions that you need to consider in starting your own home based business.
1) Your motivation: ie: Why do you want to start your own home based business? Understanding why you are starting a home based business will give you better grounding for all future endeavours. This will be the anchor to your purpose in starting your own home based business. Some questions to help you determine why you want to start your own home based business:
a) Do you want to work better hours? not 9-5?
b) Do you want to be your own boss? Why?
c) Do you want to improve your financial position? By how much? When do you want to do it by? Why?
2) Are you prepared: ie: Are you prepared for the demands of starting your own home based business? Starting your own home based business means you will be doing multiple roles within the business. This can be stressful to your physical and emotional health. Some questions to help you determine why you want to start your own home based business:
a) Are you prepared to put in the hours required to succeed?
b) Do you have the support of your family in starting your own home based business?
c) Are you prepared to lower your standard of living until your own home based business is properly established?
3) What skills and experience you have that you can bring into starting your own home based business?
a) Do you have experience in the field you are starting your own home based business in?
b) Are you good at making quick decisions?
c) Are you prepared to learn new skills in starting your own home based business?
4) What are your finances in starting your own home based business? Are you able to fund the initial investments and operating cash flows in the early stages of starting your own home based business?
a) Do you have enough money to start your own home based business?
b) Do you know how much money you can borrow start your own home based business?
c) Are you comfortable taking financial risks in starting your own home based business?
These are some of the key things that need to be considered when starting your own home based business. The above points are often overlooked, and planning stages rushed through when people are starting their own home based business. By considering the above questions, your will have clear indications on why you are starting your own home based business and a reference guide should you run into any difficulties in starting your own home based business.
Alvin Narsey (http://www.parttimeincome.org) LEVERAGE'S the Internet in starting his own home based business by employing cutting edge AUTOMATION SYSTEMS and Resources which allows him to put his business on AUTOPILOT. Take a F-R-E-E TOUR to learn how YOU can achieve your dreams the same way. CLICK HERE FOR FREE TOUR!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alvin_Narsey

Who is Terri Swinson

I am a Network Marketer, Internet Marketer, and Home-based Business owner. I've been married 30 years and have four children and one granddaughter. When I left the corporate world as a CPA to become a stay-at-home-mom, I looked at several ways to contribute to the family income. That was when I discovered Network Marketing. I was bitten by the MLM bug over 20 years ago and I still love it. After years of failure and frustration with companies whose business models and by methods that were 'against my grain', I have finally found a system for success.

Let's Start a Financial Freedom Revolution!

Hunger is the gap between your dream and your reality.

The bigger your hunger, the more this information is for you. If your dream and reality have become one (and you no longer have a dream), then this information is probably not for you. However, if you hunger for more out of life, the bigger the gap is between your reality and your dreams, the more important it is for you do to whatever it takes to grab on to this information.

Something very big is about to happen for the "hungriest" entrepeneurers.

That something is a revolution. A revolution in the way we do business, how network marketing/MLM is viewed around the world, and what kind of future we will build.

Together we can do more to help reverse the worldwide recession, and give people their dreams back than all of the government bailout packages combined. We can rebuild and re-energize the free enterprise system from the ground up -- one individual at a time.

But to do this, we’re going to have to start a Revolution. We have to create a revolution in the way our business is done. We’ll have to educate our teams better and challenge ourselves to higher levels of leadership.

Regardless of what politicians do, they are not going to make a change in your personal economy. You and only you can change that. And if you don't decide to change that, you'll probably sink deeper and deeper into your own quicksand.

It takes discipline to keep your dream bigger than your reality. It takes courage to spell out things you are no longer willing to accept.

* I am no longer willing to accept this current lifestyle.
* I am no longer willing to accept the amount of stress I have in my life.
* I am no longer willing to accept constantly battling these bills and every time I think I have it in control, another one pops up.
* I am no longer willing to accept not being the hero to my spouse and children.

What's on your list? What are you no longer willing to accept?

How big is the gap between your reality and your dreams?

You have a responsibility for you and your family to move in the direction of your dreams. Let's make it happen together. Join me.

Get started by downloading the ebook...How to make Millionaire Money without Winning the Lottery.

Power of the MasterMind

I heard it read last week on the Mental Cleanse, a gentleman wrote about feeling discouraged, abandoned, and confused. He turned to a past resource that had given him encouragement and direction - self-help and motivational books and videos. He realized to get out of the negativity he was in, he couldn't do it alone.

That is the way I feel about the Power of the MasterMind. I KNOW that I can not do it - be successful - on my own. It takes a group effort. You don't have to be in a place of despair and negativity to benefit from a MasterMind. The Power is there, even, and especially, in the positive times. Who better to rejoice with you and point you to the next level than your MasterMind group?!

Since joining Mentoring for Free last year, I have "tuned in" to my MasterMind group almost constantly. I can truly say that a day does not go by that I have not accessed my MasterMind group in one way or another.

Daily I go to Infinite Intelligence for guidance, wisdom, and blessing. He is my ultimate source of knowledge and power. Just knowing that He wants me to live a life of abundance gives me power and confidence to keep moving forward. In addition to Infinite Intelligence, I turn to the accumulated experience of the leaders and mentors in MFF. I stand in awe at the depth and vastness of their combined knowledge and experience. I feel blessed to have found this group and the wealth of knowledge that is available to me. All I have to do to tap into that rich storehouse is go to a website, click a button, listen to a recording or watch a video, read an article, etc. The brilliance that is shared on the calls and trainings is inspiring and priceless. I have not even put a dent in uncovering all that is available, but it is there. I know where to go find it and, if I don't, someone in the group will point me in the right direction.

I am proud to be a part of this MasterMind group. As I grow and develop as a mentor and leader, I know that my contributions will increase and be a help to others. Right now, I am thrilled to be here, learning and growing, with a FABULOUS MasterMind group that sincerely cares about my success. I wonder if people realize how truly blessed we are here at Mentoring for Free? I do.

Thank you, Michael and Linda, for putting this awesome group and training together. Just knowing that my MasterMind group is assessable is empowering. Oftentimes, just seeing that my personal mentors are online gives me an energy to keep on moving toward the mark. I don't have to "speak" with them to receive it. There's something about being in the presence of like-minded people, working toward a common goal, harmoniously, that transcends conscious thought. Oh, I know what it is - POWER! Power of the MasterMind!

I am blessed to have an awesome MasterMind group. Thank you, each of you, for all you do.

Do you desire success and freedom in your life by working from home? Read the book that propelled my business forward...How to make Millionaire Money without Winning the Lottery.

Design Your Future for Success and Freedom

I am a member of a personal growth MasterMind group that meets every week. We read Napoleon Hill's 1937 classic, "Think and Grow Rich", one chapter at a time. Members submit their "lesson", or thoughts, on what they received from the chapter. Each week a few of the lessons are shared with the group for discussion and benefit of all.

I have experienced tremendous personal growth since participating in this MasterMind group. The 30 day Mental Cleanse has turned my personal life and business around.

This week we read Chapter 3: Faith - Visualization of, and Attainment of Desire - The Second Step toward Riches. Below is my lesson from Chapter 3.

My future is a blank canvas. It has not happened yet. The possibilities are endless. My future will be whatever I decide to make it.

The past occurrences in my life have no place to reside on this brand new canvas. They are gone, done, kaput. Even the most recent activities of yesterday, what I did, what I didn’t do, do not get to add color to my canvas. I am picturing myself standing on the beach, at the edge of the ocean. I take my past ~ the failures, the fears, the negative emotions, and toss them into the waves. WHOOSH! They’re gone. How liberating!

My future, my blank canvas, is before me. I am excited to know that I get to add color and design to this masterpiece of my life. With enthusiasm, I will focus on the eight positive emotions, predominately those of faith, love, and sex, to bring my desires into reality. I expect the very best! I will focus my thoughts and actions on attaining my desires.

When I color my thoughts with the powerful positive emotions of Faith, Love, and Sex, they will vibrate with an accelerated intensity and penetrate my subconscious mind. My subconscious mind will respond and act to translate my thoughts into their physical and monetary equivalents and communicate with Infinite Intelligence.

But first I must convince my subconscious mind that I BELIEVE that I will receive all that I am asking of the universe. I will strengthen my Faith, my Belief, by using auto-suggestion to program my subconscious mind. Because my subconscious mind does not differentiate between positive and negative messages, I must be ever diligent to focus ALWAYS on positive thoughts. Additionally, it is crucial that I believe in myself and that I am worthy of my desires. I will use Dr. Hill’s formula for developing and strengthening Self-Confidence.

I will define and know my Definite Purpose in life and that I will achieve it by taking the necessary actions to bring it into being. I will concentrate 30 minutes a day on the positive image of the person I want to be – filling my mind with positive affirming thoughts. I haven’t been doing this, so I will start today. I will follow the remaining steps as outlined in this chapter of filling my subconscious mind with positive thoughts through writing, memorization, and repetition until they become entrenched with belief. This Faith will then be transmitted to Infinite Intelligence through the spiritual medium of prayer. Through my faith in the power of prayer, I believe that Infinite Intelligence will act upon my thought vibrations and bring my “miracle” into being.

My future is bright. My canvas is blank. I look forward with great anticipation to the Masterpiece that I, through action and Faith in Infinite Intelligence, will create.

Do you desire success and freedom in your life by working from home? Read the book that propelled my business forward...How to make Millionaire Money without Winning the Lottery.